Chris Chism
I first met Steve and Cyndi Goodgame at a MS Educational Computing Association (MECA) 9 years ago. From the moment I met them I was impressed with their knowledge of educational technology and software. The Student Response Systems and Interactive Whiteboards were just beginning to become a “must have” in the schools. Steve and Cyndi were already extremely knowledgeable about the technology and how it could enhance their teaching. Over the years I have watched them present, not only my products, but numerous other technology products and software at conferences. They are excellent presenters as well as teachers and do an excellent job helping teachers and administrators understand how technology can help them to become more efficient teachers.
Mur Feldman
Owner-The Clicker Girls and Guys
While learning to become an English teacher in Mrs. Goodgame’s paperless classroom, I was amazed at the technology integration that took place. Every student had Google chromebooks that they had quickly adapted to using. This was used for taking notes, for writing stories, and for creating projects and presentations. Mrs. Goodgame utilized an Apple ipad to note behavior and to keep the students on track with an app. Learning was assessed with quizzes and tests using clickers.The entire classroom ran smoothly.
Before this experience, I had never witnessed how wonderfully technology could be integrated within a classroom; nor, have I seen students more engaged in learning than in this type of classroom setting. Now, I advocate for more technology within the classroom to anyone who will take the time to listen.
Kristen Lutts, Grenada High School English Teacher
Grace H. (Student)
I don’t even know where to start! You have influenced me so much in so little time. You have changed my perspective on many literary arts, whether it be a movie, a book, or even music! You will forever be a part of my life, and for that, I am truly grateful.
P.S. I am going to see you when I am in High School)
Your Book Lover,
Grace H.
Olivia H (Student)
As cliche as this is going to sound, you truly have been the best English teacher I’ve had. Our school is so blessed to have you and Mr. Goodgame. You both have brought a one of a kind element to our school that no one will ever be able to replace. Because of you, the 8th grade class has been inspired to ignore teh status quo, and be uniquely ourselves! Thank you IMMENSELY for rekindling my love of reading, reminding me that I am extraordinary, and being being an all around remarkable teacher.
Patricia Cavener
I had the privilege of being an inclusion teacher in the Goodgames’ paperless classrooms. At first I was skeptical. But it did not take long for me to personally witness the benefits of this unique approach. In this day and age, it is difficult to keep students’ attention. But with this novel program, the students actually looked forward to coming to class and actively and willingly participated.
Patricia Cavener
Special Educator
Lafayette County Schools
Alex L. (Student)
At the beginning of the year, I never thought I would come to enjoy something so much. I never thought I could be so inspired. You’ve done so much for me, and it means so much. Without you, I wouldn’t have started reading. When I open a book, it’s like I’m in a whole new world, nothing else matters. I’d never been to this new world until this year. I love reading because of you. You’ve made such an impact on me and I’m going to miss you so much. You can count on the fact that I will be visiting you any chance I get next year. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, and I hope you teach so many more people to love reading as much as I do.
Love, Alex L.
Kaitlyn L. (Student)
Just thank you for teaching me this year! I’m going to miss 2nd period with you next year! Thank you for not giving up on me this year! Thank you for pushing me. This is the only thing I don’t like about going to high school… a new school without my favorite teacher! Among all the teachers I have had all my life, you are my favorite! I hope your summer is filled with Starbucks and books!
Kailyn L.
Whitney Gilchrist
(North Panola High School, 11th grade ELA)
Allison Garrett:
Thank you so much.