Keeping Content Current: Freshen it Up to Keep Kids Engaged.

from: wikimedia commons

You’ve all heard it. Teachers who have taught the same stuff, from the same lesson plans, in the same file cabinet forever. They usually say something along the lines of, “This worked for me when I was in school, so it will work for my students too.” Meanwhile, some of us are saying… “Wow… just wow.”

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@CommonLit Launches Resources for 3rd and 4th Grades!… let’s be real. If you teach upper grade level ELA, you know about them. They have always been a great resource for teachers to utilize in their classrooms. For the basics on what CommonLit can do to revolutionize learning in your classroom, check out THIS post. I currently teach 7th grade English. I have been blessed with great content from them for quite some time. I used to teach 3rd grade… I was not so blessed. Great news! Teachers in 3rd and 4th grades now have great resources on www.commonlit.orgContinue reading

Up Your Reading Game with @commonlit

Reading is fundamental. We know this, the challenge is finding resources to use to help teach fundamental skills to our students. We like a variety of resources/tools to use to help engage students. Some of them hit the mark, some of them miss, and some you wonder if they are worth the effort. is one that certainly hits the mark.

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